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. 2014 Dec 12;77:24–30. doi: 10.1016/j.curtheres.2014.12.001

Table II.

Overview on the cases of newborns exposed to potential toxic doses of paracetamol as published in the literature41–48

Author Clinical characteristics and dose Management and outcome
Isbister et al, 200141 Former preterm newborn, 37 wk PMA N-acetyl cysteine IV + activated charcoal transient increase in prothrombin time, no hepatic enzymatic abnormalities, full recovery
55 days postnatal age, 2.2 kg
Oral paracetamol, 136 mg/kg
de la Pintiére et al, 200342 Term newborn, in early neonatal life N-acetyl cysteine IV
2 x intravenous (pro)pacetamol, 307 mg/kg No adverse effects were observed, Discharge Day 7
Walls et al, 200843 Term newborn, early neonatal life (Day 4) N-acetyl cysteine IV, renal and hepatic failure (liver enzymes, INR abnormalities, hypoglycemia)
Following circumcision, emesis and lethargic
Oral paracetamol, 156 + 78 + 78 mg/kg/d Full recovery, with discharge after 1 wk
Nevin et al, 200944 preterm newborn, 35 weeks PMA N-acetyl cysteine IV, normal liver enzymes
7 weeks postnatal age, 2.6 kg Transient INR abnormalities (1.27–1.04), vitamin K
Intravenous paracetamol, 146 mg/kg Full recovery, discharge on Day 5
MHRA, 201045 23 cases (worldwide) <1 jr No data on management reported
Intravenous paracetamol overdose one case (1 out of 23) died
Most common error: 10-fold error
Porta et al, 201246 Extreme preterm newborn, 27 weeks PMA N-acetyl cysteine IV. No changes in liver enzymes, bilirubin, or prothrombin time. Full recovery
12 d postnatal age, 940 g
Indication: Abdominal distention, sepsis
Intravenous paracetamol, 446 mg/kg
Campbell et al, 201347 Former preterm newborn, 40 wk PMA N-acetyl cysteine IV. No changes in liver enzymes, bilirubin, or prothrombin time. Full recovery
Postnatal age 3 mo, 2.3 kg
Indication: retinal laser surgery
Intravenous paracetamol, 75 mg/kg
Bucaretchi et al, 201448 26 days old, term newborn, 3.125 kg Volume replacement, plasma, inotropics, and ventilation
Indication: “feverish and weepy” N-acetyl cysteine IV. 34 days of hospitalization
Oral, 180 mg/kg (3 d 10 mg/kg, q4h)
Not yet reported, Leuven, 2014 3-wk old term newborn, 3.5 kg N-acetyl cysteine IV. No changes in liver enzymes, bilirubin, or prothrombin time. Full recovery
Indication: pain, posttraffic accident (cranial, thoracic injuries)
Intravenous paracetamol: 200 mg/kg

IV = intravenous, PMA = postmenstrual age; INR = intranational normalized ratio; blood clotting test.