Figure 4.
Interaction between microbubbles and HUVECs in vitro. (A) Green fluorescence represents the expression of endoglin on the membrane of HUVECs; red fluorescence represents nuclear staining by PI (40× objective). (B) Different types of microbubbles targeted to HUVECs observed under a microscope (40× objective). (C) Direct counting of microbubbles targeted to HUVECs using Image Plus software. The ability of NMB, CMB and C-CMB105 to target HUVECs was different than CMB105 (*P<0.01, **P<0.001), but the difference between CMB and C-CMB105 was not significant (#P>0.05), n=3 per group. (D) Binding of CMB105 onto HUVECs with and without preincubation of the cells with anti-CD105 antibody or an isotype control antibody IgG (*P<0.01, #P>0.05), n=3 per group.