Figure 1. Bivariate Plot of the Relationship Between Raphe Nuclei Serotonin1A Binding Potential (BPF) and Lethality Rating of the Most Recent Suicide Attempt.
Participants include the 29 suicide attempters with major depressive disorder (MDD). Error bars depict associated SE; diagonal line, the fitted curve; and slope, the correlation. Lethality of the attempt was measured using the Beck Medical Lethality Scale (scores range from 0 to 6, and the scale scores to 8, which designates a fatal attempt) (F1,25 = 10.56; P = .003; R2 = 0.32). Displayed serotonin1A BPF estimates have been adjusted for sex and prior antidepressant use derived from the specific linear mixed-effects model examining the relationship of raphe nuclei serotonin1A BPF with lethality for all suicide attempters with MDD. For display purposes, 1 lower-lethality attempter with a very high serotonin1A BPF and SE is not included in this plot but was included in all the statistical analyses.