In silico hits binding
to PHD–HD1. (A)
Overlay of HSQC spectra of 50 μM 15N-labeled PHD–HD1
+ 1 mM IS1 (cyan) onto PHD–HD1 alone (maroon), with residues
experiencing CSPs labeled. (B) Structure of IS1–3 and IS hits
used in D–F. (C) Heat-maps of CSPs elicited by IS1 projected
onto the structure of PHD–HD1 (2XB1; coloring thresholds: yellow
<0.04 ppm; orange <0.1 ppm; red <0.15 ppm) and calculated
docking pose (in stick representation; red, oxygen; blue, nitrogen;
yellow, sulfur; green, chlorine); front and rear views as in Figure 1B (HD1, mesh representation) and zoomed-in view
at the right, with key interacting residues labeled (note L345 whose
side-chain fills the R2 cavity found in other PHD fingers in this
position, see text). (D–F) Docking poses of representatives
of each IS group (Figures S1 and S2), as
indicated in the panels.