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. 2014 Jun 17;19(1):307–314. doi: 10.1007/s11325-014-1020-y

Table 1.

Study population

N = 26
Median (IQR)
Demographic data
 Gender female 17 (65)a
 Age, years 65.5 (14.0)
 BMI, kg/m2 25.0 (6.5)
Smoking habit
 Pack years 30.4 (22.4)
 Current smoker 4 (15)a
 LTOT 3 (12)a
 SABA/LABA 24 (92)a
 Statin 4 (15)a
 ACE/AII 3 (12)a
 Thiazide 3 (12)a
 ASA 3 (12)a
 FVC, % of pred 81.0 (35.3)
 FEV1, % pred 40.5 (30.3)
 FEV1/FVC, ratio 0.46 (0.21)
 DLCO1, mmol/min/kPa 3.92 (2.49)
 RV/TLC2, ratio 0.56 (0.20)
Clinical data
 CAT, score 18 (7)
 MMRC, score 2.0 (1.0)
 6-MWD3, meter 420 (205)
 BODE index 2.0 (4.0)
Laboratory data
 PaO2, kPa 9.66 (1.98)
 PaCO2, kPa 5.07 (.96)
 SaO2, % 96.2 (3.3)
 Alcohol, ppt 0.81 (0.64)

IQR inter quartile range, BMI body mass index, LTOT long-term oxygen therapy, SABA/LABA short- and/or long-acting beta-2 receptor agonist, ACE/AII angiotensin converting enzyme and/or angiotensin II antagonist, Thiazide hydrochlorothiazide, ASA acetylic salicylic acid, FVC % of pred forced vital capacity as percent of predicted value, FEV1% of pred forced expiratory volume first second as percent of predicted value, DLCO diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide, RV residual volume, TLC total lung capacity, CAT COPD assessment test, MMRC modified medical research council questionnaire, 6-MWD 6 min walking distance, BODE BMI/obstruction/dyspnea/exercise capacity, P a O 2 arterial pressure of oxygen, P a CO 2 arterial pressure of carbon dioxide, S a O 2 arterial oxygen saturation,. Alcohol parts per thousand measured by breath analysis immediately prior to sleep

a N (% of study subjects), instead of median (IQR)

1 N = 22, four missing from DLCO because of insufficient vital capacity or because they could not hold their breath for 10 s

2 N = 24, two missing from body plethysmography because of claustrophobia

3 N = 25, one missing from 6-MWD, reason unknown