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. 2015 Mar;105(3):490–496. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302368



Most common speakers in newspaper coverage of fast-food land-use policies, by percentage of pro- and antipolicy arguments, for (a) policies with a nutrition focus and (b) policies with a non–nutrition focus: 77 US communities, 2000–2013.

Note. Total sample size was n = 1526. For policies with a nutrition focus, n = 732; for policies with a non–nutrition focus, n = 794. Arguments are presented as a percentage of total arguments for that policy type (e.g., local officials were responsible for approximately 30% of all arguments about policies with a non–nutrition focus). Speakers not shown here were: unattributed statements, other speakers, and general attributions to supporters and opponents.

aOpinion authors were columnists, editorial boards, and bloggers.

bIncludes franchises.