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. 2015 Mar;105(3):575–583. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302345


Mid-Adolescent Participants’ Baseline Demographic Characteristics, Previous Exposure to Focus on Youth in the Caribbean, Risk Behaviors, and HIV-Related Knowledge, Skills, and Perceptions, by Intervention Group: The Bahamas, 2008–2011

Intervention Group
Variables Overall HFLE BFOOY Plus CImPACT BFOOY Plus GFI BFOOY Only F or χ2 P
Sample size, no. 2564 772 664 559 569
Age, y (SD) 14.50 (0.71) 14.55 (0.78) 14.45 (0.67) 14.51 (0.68) 14.48 (0.66) 2.38 .068
Gender, %
 Male 43.6 43.9 41.7 44.2 44.6 1.32 .726
 Female 56.4 56.1 58.3 55.8 55.4
Exposure to FOYC in grade 6, % 47.3 47.7 43.4 45.1 53.4 13.82 .003
Correctly answered SODA question, % 41.1 38.3 41.5 40.9 44.5 5.31 .151
HIV-related knowledge, skills, and perceptions
 HIV/AIDS knowledgea (SD) 11.67 (2.47) 11.55 (2.38) 11.69 (2.37) 11.70 (2.62) 11.77 (2.55) 0.94 .42
 Condom-use skillsa (SD) 10.45 (2.15) 10.25 (2.19) 10.48 (2.14) 10.49 (2.19) 10.63 (2.05) 3.49 .015
 Condom-use self-efficacyb (SD) 3.38 (1.28) 3.38 (1.28) 3.34 (1.27) 3.37 (1.30) 3.43 (1.27) 0.49 .692
Sexual activity and condom use
No. of sexually active youths at baseline 509 145 130 104 130
Ever had sex, % 27.5 28.6 25.6 25.0 30.6 6.09 .107
Had sex in the last 6 mo, % 22.3 21.9 21.5 20.9 25.0 3.22 .359
No. of sex partners, last 6 mo, %
 1 52.1 56.5 51.5 55.8 44.6 1.45 .229
 2 26.9 22.1 26.9 28.8 30.8
 ≥ 3 21.0 21.4 21.5 15.4 24.6
Used a condom during last sexual episode, % 76.5 70.3 78.3 77.0 81.9 7.46 .059
Consistent condom use, % 68.2 61.5 71.8 70.5 71.2 6.24 .101

Note. FOYC = Focus on Youth in the Caribbean; HFLE = Health and Family Life Education; BFOOY = Bahamian Focus on Older Youth; CImPACT = Caribbean Informed Parents and Children Together; GFI = Goal for It; SODA = Stop, Options, Decision, Action.


Score range 0–16.


Score range 1–5.