Figure 7.
Confocal immunolabeling in DG of C and MMI pups. Confocal photomicrographs showing VGluT1-ir (green labeling; A–C), VGAT-ir (red labeling; D–F), and merged images (G–I) in DG of C (A,D,G), MMI21 (B,E,H) and MMI10 (C,F,I) pups at P50. The border between the granular (g) and proximal molecular (pm) layers is blurred in MMI pups (arrows in B,C). Note the decreased density of VGluT1-ir boutons in the distal-inner molecular layer (dm-i) (asterisks in B,C,H,I). A narrow band of VGAT-ir boutons between the distal-inner (dm-i) and proximal (pm) molecular layers can be seen in MMI pups (arrows in E,F). dm-o, Distal-outer molecular; h, hilus. Same scale for (A–I).