The NFATc1–Sox2 complex promotes EMT and cancer stem cell-like properties in PDAC
NFATc1 and Sox2 protein expression in L3.6 cells (adherent versus spheres).
Relative mRNA expression of NFATc1 and Sox2 in L3.6 cells as well as in KPNC mice tumor cells (adherent versus spheres). Graph represents data from three independent experiments (means ± SD). Asterisks display significance (*P < 0.05).
Cell sorting was performed to collect CD44 high and low populations in KPNC spheres (left panel), which were analyzed for NFATc1 and Sox2 mRNA expression (right panel).
Sox2 mRNA expression upon CsA (1 μM) treatment in L3.6 cells (adherent versus spheres) (*P < 0.05).
Bright-field microscopy images as well as quantification of KPNC spheres after transient NFATc1 depletion.
Source data are available online for this figure.