Figure 6.
Effects of DDN Ablation on Zebrafish Behavior
(A and B) Ventral views of GFP (left), anti-tyrosine hydroxylase (anti-TH; middle), and merged GFP/anti-TH (right) labeling in the diencephalon of control (A) and ablated (B) ETvmat2:GFP larvae at 4 dpf. Note that the anterior-most neurons corresponding to DDNs in DC2 (arrowheads in A) are absent in ablated fish.
(C) Swimming trajectories of 4 dpf control and laser ablated zebrafish recorded over a 10 min period.
(D) Left: cumulative distance that individual control (black) and laser-ablated (red) fish travel over the 10 min period. Right: box-and-whisker plot of total distance traveled in 10 min period for control and laser-ablated 4 dpf larvae.
(E and F) Raster plots of identified episodes of beat-glide swimming in non-ablated (E) and ablated (F) 4 dpf larvae over the 10 min recording (top). Bottom: corresponding regions of raster plots over an expanded timescale. Each row represents a single fish during the recording.
(G and H) Box-and-whisker plots of the percent of time spent beat-glide swimming over the 10 min observation period (G) and the duration of individual beat-glide bouts (H).
(I) Plots of average velocity as a function of time for bouts of beat-glide activity. At the onset of the beat period (black arrow), velocity increases sharply and subsequently declines to baseline levels during the glide period.
For box-and-whisker plots in (D), (G), and (H), filled circles depict raw data points; upper and lower hinges of the box correspond to the first and third quartiles; whiskers extend to 1.5× the interquartile range; and lines within boxes represent median. Scale bars of (A) and (B) represent 10 μm; anterior is left, posterior is right. See also Figures S4 and S5.