FoxP2 overexpression does not affect variability at adulthood. Green and gray bars represent GFP controls and FOXP2+ pupils, respectively. a, Overall rendition-to-rendition variability of syllables, as measured by syllable identity, was not significantly different between groups (p = 0.8489, n = 8GFP/10FoxP2+, unpaired two-tailed bootstrap). b, FoxP2 overexpression did not affect feature-specific variability, as measured by the coefficient of variability for duration, amplitude, pitch, FM, entropy, PG, mean frequency (p = 0.2685, 0.5548, 0.5703, 0.7217, 0.8237, 0.928, 0.8371, respectively; n = 8GFP/10FoxP2+, unpaired two-tailed bootstrap). c, FoxP2 overexpression did not affect syntax variability (p = 0.8489, n = 7GFP/8FoxP2+, unpaired two-tailed bootstrap).