Figure 2.
Temporal accumulation patterns of metabolites in developing seeds. Glycine max, var. Evans seeds harvested at five time points from early seed fill to maturation were analyzed by targeted and non-targeted metabolomics methods. The 273 metabolites fall into five clusters based on similar patterns of accumulation (K-medoids clustering). A. Standardized accumulation profiles of each cluster, with mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1; the medoid in each cluster is indicated with a red line. B. Clusters visualized by the ratio of difference of each stage and 25 DAF to the average of each stage and 25 DAF. Font colors-black: AA, amino acids and amines; green: AR, aromatics; red: eFA, esterified fatty acids; blue: fFA, free fatty acids; pink: OA, organic acids; orange: SGD, sugars and derivatives; purple: ST, sterols and tocopherols; grey: UK, unidentified. C. Temporal accumulation of free amino acids. D. Temporal accumulation patterns of esterified fatty acids. E. Temporal accumulation patterns of free fatty acids. F. Temporal accumulation patterns of sterols. Metabolites in C, E, and F were identified by targeted platforms. n = 6.