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. 2015 Feb 9;3(2):apps.1400088. doi: 10.3732/apps.1400088

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

User interface for MatrixConverter. The Step 1 section is where users upload a phenomic character matrix formatted as a tab-delimited text or CSV file. The Step 2 tab allows the user to choose a phenomic character, defined in a column heading in the input file; it also provides the number and percentage of taxa with data for the character and the total number of character states. Step 3 enables the user to code the character states as integers. Step 3.1 provides simple ways to automate the character scoring, while the user can evaluate and manually score characters in Step 3.2. In Step 4, the user can save the newly scored characters along with scoring rules in a variety of formats.