Figure 1.
Induction of seizure-like events in the dentate gyrus (DG), subiculum (SUB), and in deep layers of the temporal neocortex (TCx). The two traces depicted for each region display recordings of [K+]o (top) and field potential (FP) bottom. Time and amplitude of signals are given by calibration bars on the right. Bars above each pair of traces mark the perfusion of the ictogenic buffer solution. (A) DG: hilar double pulse stimulation (pulse duration 0.1 ms, pulse interval 50 ms, stimulus intensity for pulses in the range of 80% of the maximal field potential amplitude, frequency 0.067 Hz). The stimulation was performed before and during elevation of [K+]o to 10 mM, and had been set off when epileptiform discharges appeared independent of electrical pulses. (B) SUB: elevation of [K+]o to 10 mM. (C) TCx: elevation of [K+]o to 8 mM and addition of 50 μM Bicuculline when [K+]o approximated the plateau of equilibration.