National reports and strategic proposals
NSHI strategy: Comments and Suggestions of the Joint WHO/GTZ mission on Social Health Insurance in Kenya (1st Mission) WHO/GTZ, June, 2003 |
NSHI strategy: Comments and Suggestions of the Joint WHO/GTZ mission on Social Health Insurance in Kenya (2nd mission) WHO/GTZ August, 2003 |
NSHI strategy: Key findings and prerequisites for implementation (3rd mission) WHO/GTZ/KfW Germany December, 2003 |
NSHI strategy: Progress review and recommendations (4th Mission) WHO/GTZ/DFID January 2004 |
Progress review of the initial implementation stage and recommendations (5th mission) Joint WHO – GTZ – DFID – ILO Mission to Kenya 29th March to 2nd April 2004 |
Sessional paper No 2 on National Social Health Insurance in Kenya in Kenya May 2004 |
The National Social Health Insurance Fund Bill, 2004 |
Presentation by Amit Thakker CEO 2004. Avenue group in the informal session with stakeholders |
Financial projections and future bilateral/multilateral cooperation (6th Mission) WHO/GTZ mission_21st to 26th June, 2004 |
Carrin et al 2007 health financing reform in Kenya-assessing the social health insurance proposal |
IPAR 2005, Social Health Insurance Scheme for All Kenyans: Opportunities and Sustainability Potential IPAR policy Brief Volume11, Issue 2, 2005 |
WHO 2006: Health financing reform in Kenya: assessing the social health insurance proposal |
MOPHS & MOMS March 2009, Towards a Health Financing Strategy for Kenya |
Nzoya Munguti, 2006, Review of Social Health Insurance in Kenya November 2006 |
Documents from International meetings
Opening of the International GTZ-ILO-WHO Conference on Social Health Insurance in Developing Countries Berlin, 5, 2005 |
Social health insurance and its role in economic development and poverty reduction Inaugural Address by Mr. David Fuentes-Montero, Minister of Finance from the Republic of Costa Rica, in Central America |
The inclusion of the poor in social health insurance framework: the strategies applied in viet nam By Dr Tran Van Tien during The international Conference on Social Health Insurance in Developing Countries Berlin 5;– 7 December, 2005 |
International Conference on Social Health Insurance in Developing Countries by Julio Frenk et al, 2005 |
GTZ-ILO–WHO International Conference “Social Health Insurance in Developing Countries” Trends in health sector reform in Latin America in the 90’s and challenges for social protection in health in the 21st century by Eduardo Levcovitz |
Social health insurance: Social security and HIV/AIDS The experience of the National Social Security Fund by David Lambert Tumwesigye, Lusaka, Zambia, 9-12 August 2005 |
Newspaper cuttings
Health Matters: Plan to increase deductions by insurer continue to draw anger from workers: Daily Nation 17th Aug, 2010 pg 11: “Civil servants reject NHIF dues |
Growing pains: Even as Government improves healthcare, questions emerge over financing Daily nation 17th Aug, 2010 smart company pg 10: “The poor will finance the rich in the new medical plan |
Medical Care: Sunday nation 20th June 2010 pg 4: hospital fund contribution to rise by 600 p.c |
Healthcare; Insured workers feel the pain as high premiums end up on payslips Daily nation 27th July 2010 smart company pg 10: “Rising medical bill a bitter pill for employers |
Advertising feature: Daily Nation 27th July 2010 pg 36: “The Evolution of NHIF” |
Medical fees row; setback for national health insurer: Daily nation 11th Aug, 2010: Bid to block new NHIF rates certified ‘urgent |