Fig 8. Differences between trypsin treatment of DA:α-syn 43–140 monomer and dimer.
A. Mass spectrum of the DA:α-syn 43–140 monomer after overnight digestion at 37°C by trypsin. A major mass at 1478.4 Da was observed corresponding to residues 81 to 95, while a mass at 1295.4 Da is consistent with a fragment between residues 46 to 58. B. Trypsin cleaves the DA:α-syn 43–140 dimer into a single detectable fragment. Mass spectrum of the trypsin digest of the DA:α-syn 43–140 dimer reveals a single peak of mass 1478.4 Da, and the absence (broken line box) of the 1295.4 Da fragment formed by the DA:α-syn 43–140 monomer digest. This suggests this fragment is potentially modified upon interaction with DA.