Fig 7. H-NS can bind to the vieSAB, tnaA, rtx and hlyA promoters.
DIG-labeled DNA fragments containing the tcpA, vieSAB, tnaA, rtxBDE, rtxCA, hlyA, rpoE-P1, rpoE-P2 and VC1922 promoters were incubated with 0 (lane1), 10 (lane 2), 20 (lane 3) and 25 (lane 4 in tnaA panel) ng of H-NS protein. The spans of the promoter fragments used relative to the start codon were as follows: tcpA, -306 to-83; vieSAB, -331 to +21; tnaA, -480 to +70; rtxBDE, -188 to +39; rtxCA, -223 to +24; hlyA, -291 to +23; rpoE P1, -414 to-230; rpoE P2, -180 to-12; VC1922, -113 to +43. Lanes 4 in all panels except tnaA, and lane 5 in the tnaA panel contained a 100-fold excess of unlabeled competitor promoter DNA. The tcpA and VC1922 promoters were used as positive and negative controls, respectively.