Figure 2.
Chromatin fluorescence staining for control cells at 24 h. Arrows indicate highly condensed chromatin (A). Chromatin fluorescence staining for HK2 apoptotic cells treated with dose-dependent PCB-153 and PCB-77 at 24 h. Arrows show highly condensed chromatin (B). Hoechst 33258 fluorescence staining of HK2 apoptotic cells impelled by PCB-153 70/140 μM and PCB-77 40/80 μM at 24 and 48 h with or without caspase inhibitor z-VAD-fmk. Arrows show highly condensed chromatin (C). The number represented in C is the PCB used-concentration-duration + with/without zVAD incubation. For example, 153-140-48 means PCB-153 was used at concentration of 140 μM for the duration of 48 h.