Figure 4. smLRP1-/- exacerbated AngII-induced ascending aortic aneurysm formation independent of systolic blood pressure.
A. Representative intact aortic arches of smLRP1+/+ and -/- infused with saline, AngII, or NE. B. Ascending aortic diameter growth in saline, AngII or NE-infused smLRP1+/+ and -/- mice. Histobars represent group means (n= 5 per group) and errors are SEM. * represents P<0.05 for AngII-infused smLRP1+/+ mice compared to saline or NE infused smLRP1+/+ or -/- mice by two way ANOVA. Multiple comparisons were performed using Holm-Sidak test. # denotes P<0.05 for AngII-infused smLRP1-/- versus all other groups by two way ANOVA. “ns” denotes no statistical significance when comparing within a given infusion group.