Table 2.
Group Comparisons of Task Performance, Mean (SD) With Covariates TONI and Digit Span Backward
Controls (n = 44) | Patients (n = 46) | F (df = 3) | P | |
TULIA | 225.67 (7.75) | 206.13 (28.12) | 13.88 | <.001 |
PKT | 27.31 (1.44) | 24.41 (4.34) | 10.98 | <.001 |
PONS | 46.67 (4.42) | 41.42 (6.03) | 19.88 | <.001 |
Tool Use | 71.93 (0.46) | 69.59 (4.28) | 8.77 | <.001 |
Note: TONI, Test of Nonverbal Intelligence; TULIA, test of upper limb apraxia; PKT, postural knowledge task; PONS, Profile of Nonverbal Sensitivity; P values adjusted for multiple comparisons.