Figure 1. The mitfavc7 intron 6 mutation causes defective temperature-dependent splicing of mitfa.
A. Images of mitfavc7 zebrafish embryos (2 days post fertilization) at 24°C (permissive temperature) and 32 °C (restrictive temperature). Pigmented melanocytes are clearly visible on the body of the zebrafish.
B. RT-PCR mitfa RNA expression at 24°C, 26°C, 28.5°C, and 32OC in wild type and mitfavc7 mutant embryos. Four types of mitfa transcripts (wt, a, b, c) were consistently observed in mitfavc7 embryo across all temperatures while only one transcript (wt) was observed in wild type embryo.
C. Schematic overview of mitfavc7 splice variants transcripts and their predicated MITF protein products.
D. Images and quantitation of zebrafish embryos following injection with transgenes expressing the mitfavc7 splice variants from the mitfa promoter at 24°C and 32°C. At 24OC, the number of melanocytes promoted by expression of the mitfa+in6 splice variant (2.97 (2.27 to 3.67) [mean (95% CI)]) was significantly less active compared to wild type mitfa (8.71 (6.66 to 10.76) [mean (95% CI)]) (p=0.007; ANOVA). In addition, the number of melanocytes promoted by expression of mitfa+in5,6 (1.138 (0.64 to 1.636) [mean (95% CI)]) was significantly less than mitfa (p=0.001; ANOVA) and compared to mitfa+in6 (p=0.045; ANOVA).