Representative domain structures (A—C), EMF, LSR, and lipid composition (D—F) of BS-extractable membrane patches for three different life-times (=simulations times) of τ = 0.1, 1 and 10 ms. (A—C): At short life-times ((A), τ = 0.1 ms) maze-like structures are formed comprising closed Lo nanodomains (bright colors) enriched in CH (blue) and SM (red) which are imbedded into a sea of interconnected Ld nanodomains (dark colors) enriched in PC (green). With increasing life-times (B, C), the nanodomains merge with each other under formation of larger domains. (D—F) Shown as a function of the patch size are EMF (dashed curves), LSR (full curves) and bile composition (area in the background). While the absolute LSR varies, the lipid composition of BS extractable patches remains remarkably stable at varying patch sizes and fits well with observed lipid composition of the normal bile.