Infection of D. melanogaster larvae with symbiont S. carpocapsae IJs or X. nematophila induces a humoral immune response. (A) AMP expression following infection with symbiont S. carpocapsae IJs. Infection of second- or third-instar D. melanogaster larvae with symbiont S. carpocapsae IJs induces expression of a subset of AMP genes. (B) AMP expression following infection with symbiont versus axenic S. carpocapsae IJs. Infection of third-instar D. melanogaster larvae with symbiont S. carpocapsae IJs results in AMP expression, while infection with axenic S. carpocapsae IJs results in little or no AMP expression. Data for symbiont IJ exposure are from panel A. For panels A and B, AMP expression was examined at 24 h postexposure to IJs using transgenic fly larvae containing reporter constructs in which an AMP gene promoter was used to drive expression of GFP (27). (C) Infection of second-instar D. melanogaster larvae with X. nematophila results in AMP expression. AMP expression was examined at 24 and 48 h postexposure to bacteria using the same transgenic fly larvae as used in the experiments described in panels A and B. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001, unpaired t test or Mann-Whitney test (infected larvae versus uninfected control larvae of the same genotype; n = 5 to 12 trials for each condition). For all graphs, error bars represent standard errors of the means.