Polymorphisms in the 3’ untranslated region (UTR) of the HLA-G gene and the 3’UTR haplotypes. Polymorphic positions are relative to the first ATG codon at exon 1. UTR haplotypes were numbered according to (Sabbagh et al., 2014).
Del, Deletion; Ins, insertion.
a SA is represented by the total group of HIV-1 positive mothers in our MTCT cohort (n=216)
b Represents 3’UTR frequencies reported by (Sabbagh et al., 2014) which pooled some data from the 1000 genome project. ASW, people of African ancestry from the south western United States (n=61); SER, Serer from Niakhar, Senegal (n=239); YAN, Yansi from Bandundu, Democratic Republic of the Congo (N=175); and LWK, Luhya from Webuye, Kenya (n=96).
c Represents other 3’ UTR haplotypes not identified in SA