Fig. 1. Lamin A/C expression is significantly reduced in ΔK32 Lamin A/C expressing cells independent of the presence and absence of LAP2α.
Immunoblots of lysates of primary fibroblast derived from single and double mutant LmnaΔK32/ΔK32, and Lap2α−/− mice and wild-type control littermates probed for indicated proteins are shown. The star indicates an unspecific band produced by the LAP2α antibody. For quantification of lamin protein levels, band intensities of lamins A and C were combined and normalized to the band intensity of the actin loading control and presented as % of the wild-type control. Protein levels of single mutant LmnaΔK32/ΔK32 and double mutant LmnaΔK32/ΔK32 / Lap2α−/− fibroblasts were significantly reduced (n=4, P-values=0.04 and 0.03, respectively as determined by Student’s t-Test against wild-type). Lower right panels show mRNA levels of lamin A and emerin as determined by real-time PCR. mRNA levels were normalized to the corresponding wild-type levels. Means and s.e. of 3-4 independent experiments are shown. mRNA levels of lamin A or emerin are not altered in single and double mutant fibroblasts compared to wild type as determined by Student’s t-test: LmnaΔK32/ΔK32: n=4, P-value 0.2 (lamin A) and 0.8 (emerin); Lap2α−/−: n=4, P-value 0.4 (lamin) and 0.3 (emerin); LmnaΔK32/ΔK32 / Lap2α−/−: n=4, P-value 0.2 (lamin) and 0.9 (emerin).