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. 2015 Feb 19;7:15. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2015.00015

Table 2.

Regions of significant difference in functional connectivity within the default mode network between CN, aMCI−, aMCI+, and AD.

Contrast Brain region BA MNI coordinates
Extent voxels (mm3) Peak T value
CN > aMCI+ L. lingual gyrus 18 −8 −64 2 81 4.77
CN < aMCI+ None
CN > AD R. precuneus 7 6 −76 36 228 5.21
L. posterior cingulate 31 −2 −40 38 112 4.49
CN < AD None
CN > aMCI− None
CN < aMCI− L. precuneus 31 −20 −70 16 76 4.77
R. superior parietal lobule 7 22 −68 58 69 4.82
R. superior temporal gyrus 22 56 −50 14 28 3.53
L. middle temporal gyrus 39 −48 −72 18 21 4.02
L. culmen 0 −50 −2 18 3.79
aMCI+ < aMCI− L. cuneus 18 −16 −74 20 383 6.32
R. superior temporal gyrus 22 54 −48 14 51 5.75
L. superior frontal gyrus 10 −6 64 −6 47 3.67
R. superior parietal lobule 7 28 −66 58 30 3.10
R. inferior temporal gyrus 21 58 −8 −18 23 4.56
L. medial frontal gyrus 10 0 64 2 17 3.27
Culmen 0 −62 −6 11 4.16
R. posterior cingulate 29 4 −42 16 10 3.99
aMCI+ > aMCI− None

CN, cognitively normal healthy control; aMCI−, amnestic-type mild cognitive impairment PiB-negative; aMCI+, amnestic-type mild cognitive impairment PiB-positive; AD, Alzheimer’s disease; BA, Brodmann area.