In vivo PET/CT imaging 18FDG-labeled rCDCs are identified as bright spots and indicated by yellow arrows. Myocardium (green), delineated by 13NH3. A
PL group permanent ligation of LAD with intra-myocardial rCDC injection; B
AI-RM group acute-ischemia reperfusion followed by intra-myocardial rCDC injection. C
Whole body PET scan in AI-RM group in addition to CDCs in the heart and the lungs, some FDG activity can be identified in the bladder (probably representing free 18FDG released by dead cells). The liver (green) takes up substantial amounts of 13NH3. D
CI-R group chronic infarction induced by ischemia-reperfusion of LAD with intra-myocardial rCDC injection. E Heart and lung retention, measured by PET, 1 hour after intra-myocardial rCDC injection in the PL, AI-RM, NL, and CI-R groups. ID, injected dose (*P < .05).