Fig. 1.
Placement of representative Regions of Interest (ROIs) on MRI images. ROI labels abbreviated as follows: SF = superior frontal, DL = dorsolateral prefrontal, DM = dorsomedial prefrontal, MF = mid-frontal, IF = inferior frontal, SM = sensorimotor, SP = superior parietal, SG = supramarginal gyrus, OM = occipital-medial, OL = occipital-lateral, LI = lingual gyrus, FG = fusiform gyrus, OT = occipitotemporal, ST = superior temporal, MT = mid-temporal, IT = inferior temporal, TP = temporal pole, PH = parahippocampal gyrus, HI = hippocampus, AM = amygdala, IN = insula, OF = orbital frontal, RG = rectal gyrus, CA = cingulate gyrus-anterior, CG = cingulate gyrus, CP = cingulate gyrus-posterior, C1 = corpus callosum-anterior, C2 = corpus callosum-posterior, CN = caudate nucleus, LM = lenticular-medial [globus pallidus], LL = lenticula-lateral [putamen], MB = mammillary body, TH = thalamus, MI = midbrain, PO = pons, CE = cerebellum. Regions included in the analysis are in bold.