(A) Motifs enriched in the activity-gaining enhancers for the transcription factors AP-1, Stat92E, Scalloped, nuclear receptor family, Zelda and Brf. (B) Venn diagram of the tumor-specific enhancers that are predicted to be responsive to AP-1, Stat92E and Brf transcription factors. (C) The motif enrichment score (i-cisTarget) of the six transcription factors plotted for each of the four different enhancer groups; opening after Upd-overexpression (activating Stat92E), Stably opening enhancers, All opening enhancers and Gradually opening enhancers in RasV12;Scrib-/- tumors. The heatmaps are representing a subset of the regions that are classified as stably or gradually opening. A variance stabilizing transformation (DESeq2) was performed on the count data, blue indicates low and red indicates high peak intensity.