Figure 7.
Cell death in response to P.c. carotovorum elicitors in the different Ppα-DOX genotypes and in wild-type plants pretreated with oxylipins. (A) Cell death measurements by Evans blue staining in wild-type (WT), Ppα-dox-2 and pUBI:Ppα-DOX-3 colonies treated with elicitors of P.c. carotovorum (P.c.c) compared to water-treated colonies (Ctr). (B) Cell death in WT colonies treated for 2 days with 50 μM oxylipins was compared with the cell death generated in WT colonies treated for 1 day with 50 μM oxylipins and 1 additional day with 50 μM oxylipins + P.c.c elicitors by Evans blue staining. As control 0.5% ethanol was used. The values shown are means from one representative technical replicate. Error bars indicate SD (n = 8). Three biological replicates were carried out for each experiment with similar results. Significant differences of at least 0.05 confidence level between water-treated and elicitor-treated wild-type, Ppα-dox-2 knockout line or pUBI:Ppα-DOX-3 plants in (A) or between oxylipins-treated and oxylipins + P.c.c elicitors-treated wild-type plants (B) are marked by *.