Figure 7. Increased levels of ACSM3, NT5E and GCNT3 correlate with mouse and human PDA progression.
(A) IHC analysis of 14 candidate genes in mouse adjacent normal ducts, mPanlN and mPDA. Differential expression is indicated as: - (negative), + (weak), ++ (moderate) or +++ (strong).
(B) IHC analysis of ACSM3, NT5E and GCNT3 in mouse normal ducts, mPanlN and mPDA tissues. Arrow indicates adjacent normal ducts in mPanlN tissues. Arrowhead indicates mPanlN or mPDA. Scale bars, 50 μm.
(C) IHC analysis of 7 candidate genes in human normal pancreas, hT orthotopic transplants and PDA tissues. Differential expression is indicated as: - (negative), + (weak), ++ (moderate) or +++ (strong). Only the ductal component of the normal pancreas was scored.
(D) IHC analysis of ACSM3, NT5E and GCNT3 in human normal pancreas and PDA tissues. Arrow indicates normal ducts and arrowhead indicates PDA. Scale bars, 50 μm.
See also Figure S7.