Fig 8. Late Oligocene ruminant paleobiogeography of Western Europe.
Aa Aarwangen; B Boujac; Ba La Barboille; BB Balstahl Bännli; BF Brochene Fluh 19/20; BJ Basel St Jakob; Bu Burgmagerbein1; Cb Comberatière; Ch Les Chauffours; Co Cournon; Di Dieupentale; EK Ebnat Kapel; EL Eriz Lösenegg; G Gaimersheim1; LM La Milloque; Ma Mailhat; PD Pech Desse; PF Pech du Fraysse; Po Portal; R Rickenbach; Ro La Rochette; Rt Romagnat; S Sarèle; Ve Veyron2; V Vazzio; VR Vivel del Rio; Wk Wolfwil kennisbännli; Wy Wynau iii and Wynau V. (T) Tragulina; (P) Pecora. Considered data based on references given for Fig. 7. Paleogeographical map of the latest Oligocene had been modified from [85] and [86].