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. 2015 Feb 19;10(2):e0112990. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0112990

Table 1. Summary of linear mixed modeling results for predictors of the quality of participants’ social functioning.

Fixed Random
Variable b SE t Deviance
Step 1 (intercept-only) 794.27**
Intercept 8.89* .21 42.42
Step 2 (level 1) 3.77
Intercept 8.97* .26 34.12
Slope (linear Δ) -.16 .25 -.628
Step 3 (level 2) a 60.53**
Model 1 b (Angry)
Intercept 6.18* .77 8.05
Lifetime diagnosis .002 .38 .01
Neuroticism .03* .01 3.83
EQ .03 .02 1.29
PR -3.01 1.71 -1.76
G 2.01 1.55 1.29
EQ X PR -.56* .19 -2.89
EQ X G -.08 .16 -.49
Model 2 (Sad) 60.68**
Intercept 6.18* .81 7.62
Lifetime diagnosis -.08 .42 -.19
Neuroticism .03* .01 3.60
EQ .02 .02 .76
PR -.53 1.74 -.31
G 3.67 2.00 1.83
EQ X PR -.14 .19 -.69
EQ X G -.16 .26 -.61
Model 3 (Happy) 55.27**
Intercept 6.00* .76 7.87
Lifetime diagnosis .05 .39 .13
Neuroticism .03* .01 3.91
EQ .02 .02 1.00
PR 3.05 1.70 1.93
G -.13 1.79 -.07
EQ X PR -.26 .20 -1.28
EQ X G -.23 .23 -1.02

Note. In these analyses, the intercept represented participants’ social functioning at time 1.

a Slope was set as fixed at Step 3 due to non-significant change in model fit at Step 2. Predictors, added at Step 3, were used to explain between-subject variability in the intercept only.

b Three models, distinguished by type of emotional stimulus, were run at Step 3. Within each model, variables were entered hierarchically (1- covariates, 2—main effects, 3—interaction effects).

EQ = empathy quotient; PR = personally-relevant; G = generic.

* p < .05

** Increase in model fit was statistically significant (p < .05) based on chi-square test of deviances.