Chromosome and spindle dynamics in oocytes expressing AURKA-EGFP (green) and H2B-mCherry (red) were observed by time-lapse live confocal microscopy. Frames at the indicated stages of meiotic maturation were selected from the original time series (S1–S2 Movies), in which images were acquired every 18 min for 16 h. All images are maximal intensity projections of a confocal z series. A-F: Ago2
fl/ADH oocytes; G-L: Ago2
ADH oocytes. GV: germinal vesicle intact (A, G), GVBD: germinal vesicle breakdown (B, H), MI: metaphase I (C, I), AI: anaphase I (D, J), TI: telophase I (E, K), MII: metaphase II (F, L). The experiment was performed 3 times using at least 10 oocytes per group. Representative images are shown.