Table 1. Age and gender distribution of study population.
Men | Women | Total | ||||
Number surveyed | Symptom cards filled | Number surveyed | Symptom cards filled | Number surveyed | Symptom cards filled | |
Total | 47714 (100%) | 43517 (91.2%) | 43316 (100%) | 42253 (97.5%) | 91030 (100%) | 85770 (94.2%) |
Residence | ||||||
Rural | 28988 (60.8%) | 26463 (91.3%) | 25378 (58.6%) | 25146 (97.7%) | 54726 (60.1%) | 51609 (94.3%) |
Urban | 18726 (39.2%) | 17054 (91.1%) | 17578 (40.6%) | 17107 (97.3%) | 36304 (39.9%) | 34161 (94.1%) |
Age range (years) | ||||||
15–24 | 13998 (29.3%) | 13511 (96.5%) | 12327 (28.5%) | 12109 (98.2%) | 26325 (28.9%) | 25620 (97.3%) |
25–34 | 10808 (22.7%) | 9975 (92.3%) | 10660 (24.6%) | 10447 (98.0%) | 21468 (23.6%) | 20422 (95.1%) |
35–44 | 8609 (18.0%) | 7646 (88.8%) | 8035 (18.5%) | 7829 (97.4%) | 16644 (18.3%) | 15475 (93.0%) |
45–54 | 6347 (13.3%) | 5487 (86.5%) | 5276 (12.2%) | 5129 (97.2%) | 11623 (12.8%) | 10616 (91.3%) |
55–64 | 3895 (8.2%) | 3379 (86.8%) | 3802 (8.8%) | 3672 (96.6%) | 7697 (8.5%) | 7051 (91.6%) |
65–74 | 2753 (5.8%) | 2390 (86.8%) | 2222 (5.1%) | 2129 (95.8%) | 4975 (5.5%) | 4519 (90.8%) |
> = 75 | 1252 (2.6%) | 1118 (89.3%) | 966 (2.2%) | 924 (95.7%) | 2218 (2.4%) | 2042 (92.1%) |
Missing | 52 (0.1%) | 11 (21.2%) | 28 (0.1%) | 14 (50.0%) | 80 (0.1%) | 25 (31.3%) |