Fig. 6. Liver-specific STAT-5 heterozygosity corrects obesity but not steatosis.
7 week-old male lox/lox, Ptpn2lox/lox;STAT-5lox/+ (lox/lox;STAT-5lox/+), LTKO, and Alb-Cre;Ptpn2lox/lox;STAT-5lox/+ (LTKO;STAT-5lox/+) mice were HFF for 12 weeks and (a) body and tissue weights, body composition and energy expenditure, determined, (b-c) fed and fasted blood glucose and plasma insulin measured and (d-f) livers extracted for (d) immunoblotting, (e) histology or (f) lipid analyses. Results shown are means ± SEM; significance (* LTKO and lox/lox, $ LTKO and lox/lox;STAT-5 lox/+, # LTKO and LTKO;STAT-5lox/+) determined using a (a-c) one-way ANOVA or (f) a 2-tailed student’s t-test.