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. 2015 Feb 12;15:139. doi: 10.1186/s12889-015-1502-2

Table 2.

Characteristics of the studies included in the review

Nr. Country Year of publication Study period Abortion law * Aim Sample size/characteristics Data collection Reference
1. Ethiopia 2011 March – April 2008 A B D E H + To answ er the questions; “what does perceptions on safe abortion look like among health care service providers?” “What are the factors which affect the perception of health providers towards safe abortion?” 431 health providers A structured, self-administered questionnaire ABDI, J. et al. [32]
2. Ghana 2013 No information A B C D E H To examine in in what ways provider attitudes and values affect the implementation of abortion policy. 43 health professionals In-depth interviews ANITEYE, P. et al. [30]
3. Timor Leste 2009 2006 -2007 A To describe the socio-legal context of unsafe abortion in Timor-Leste 21 doctors and midwives In-depth interviews BELTON, S. et al. [24]
4. South Africa 2000 No Information A B C D E F G -1st H To investigate health care ethics regarding Termination of pregnancy 1200 registered nurses Questionnaires and Focus-group discussions BOTES, A. [16]
5. South Africa 2002 No Information A B C D E F G -1st H To assess attitudes of medical students to induced abortion 247 medical students Self-administered questionnaire BUGA, G.A. [33]
6. South Africa 2005 Nov. 2001 – March 2002 A B C D E F G -1st H To explore attitudes of health care providers towards medical abortion 20 public health nurses and doctors In-depth interviews COOPER, D., et al. [25]
7. Indonesia 1993 Oct. 1990 – April 1991 A To contribute to the search for ways to make pregnancy and childbirth safer 28 Physicians, 16 Midwives,16 TBA 16 PLKB Total: 76 In-depth interviews DJOHAN, E., et al. [26]
8. Nigeria 2003 No Information A To examine the knowledge, attitude and practice of private medical practitioners on abortion 48 private practitioners Structured questionnaire ETUK, S.J. et al. [34]
9. Mozambique 2004 2002 A B To document the strengths and deficiencies of abortion care 99 Midwives and nurses Questionnaire GALLO, M.F., et al. [35]
10. South Africa 2000 No Information A B C D E F G - 1st H To explore and describe nurses’ experiences of being involved with abortion care Nurses Phenomenological interviews GMEINER, A.C., et al. [31]
11. South Africa 2012 July – October 2008 A B C D E F G - 1st H To explore health service providers’ perceptions of abortion services 19 providers and hospital managers In-depth interviews HARRIES, J. et al. [27]
12. South Africa 2009 2006 - 2007 A B C D E F G - 1st H To explore knowledge, attitudes and opinions of health care providers’ attitude to abortion 34 health care providers In-depth interviews and one focus group discussion HARRIES, J. et al. [53]
13. South Africa 2000 No Information A B C D E F G - 1st To study attitudes and beliefs about abortion among nurses 24 male and 114 female nurses In total 138 Self administered questionnaire HARRISON, A., et al. [36]
14. Zimbabwe 1999 No Information A B D E H To determinate the attitudes of professional health workers to medically supervised abortion 196 doctors, 1 053 nurses In total 1249 Self administered anonymous questionnaire KASULE, J., et al. [37]
15. Kenya 1992 April 1991 A To determine nurses’ knowledge and attitudes towards abortion 218 nurses Self-administered questionnaire KIDULA, N. A., et al. [38]
16. Vietnam 2006 March – April 2002 A B C D E F G To explore the midwives’ perspectives on adolescent sexuality and abortion, and what they consider to be quality abortion care 40 Midwives; 28 doctors In total 68 Observations and focus-group discussions (FGD) KLINGBERG-ALLVIN, M., et al. [54]
17. Vietnam 2007 2003 A B C D E F G H To investigate midwifery students’ values and attitudes towards adolescent sexuality, abortion and contraception 235 midwifery students Quantitative survey complemented with 18 qualitative interviews KLINGBERG-ALLVIN, M., et al. [55]
18. South Africa 2005 No Information A B C D E F G - 1st H To explore the lived experience of midwives who assist with TOP 3 nurses In-depth interviews MAYERS, P.M. et al. [28]
19. Swaziland 2008 January – March 2005 A B C D E H To explore health workers’ perceptions of adolescent SRH services in Swaziland 56 midwives Self-administered questionnaire MNGADI, P. T., et al. [39]
20. South Africa 2008 No information A B C D E F G 1s tH To investigate professional nurses’ attitudes towards abortion care 25 nurses Questionnaire MOKGETHI, N. E. et al. [40]
21. Ghana 2007 August 2003 A B C D E H To assess physician’s knowledge and attitude towards abortion 74 physicians Self-administered questionnaire MORHE, E.S. et al. [41]
22. Nigeria 2005 No information A To investigate the attitudes and practices of physicians towards abortion 232 private practitioners Structured questionnaire OKONOFUA, F. E. et al. [42]
23. Nigeria 2011 No information A To assess the attitudes of staff at reproductive health services 136 senior practitioners Questionnaire OMO-AGHOJA, L.O. et al. [43]
24. Nigeria 2009 27 December 2005 to 25 March 2006 A To understand PAC services provided by private medical practitioners 96 private medical practitioners Questionnaire ONAH, H. E. et al. [44]
25. Uganda 2014 February - March 2012 A To explore physicians’ and midwives’ perceptions of PAC 10 Doctors and 17 Midwives In total 27 In-depth Interviews PAUL, M., et al. [29]
26. Ghana 2013 Fall 2009 A B C D E H To explore the reasons women continue to die from unsafe abortion 4 Physicians Open ended interviews and Focus-group discussion PAYNE, M.C., et al. [51]
27. Thailand 1986 1980 - 1981 A B C D E To demonstrate health professionals’ attitudes toward abortion 625 Doctors, Nurses and social workers Self-administered questionnaire PHUAPRADIT, W., et al. [45]
28. South Africa 1998 No information A B C D E F G - 1st H To explore and describe nurses’ experience of abortion 1200 nurses Focus-group discussions, interviews and observations POGGENPOEL, M., et al. [56]
29. South Africa 2004 No information A B C D E F G - 1st H To compile a profile of the characteristics and/or beliefs held by nurses who choose to become abortion providers 22 nurses Focus-group discussion and deep-interviews POTGIETER, C [57]
30. Ghana 2013 March – April 2008 A B C D E H To understand pathways to induced abortion in Ghana and the role health care providers play 11 Family planning nurses and 8 obstetricians/gynaecologists In total 19 Focus-group discussion and in-depth interviews SCHWANDT, H.M., et al. [51]
31. Myanmar 2012 March – May 2011 A To find out medical students’ knowledge of and attitudes toward abortion 1,060 Medical students Questionnaire TEY, N.P., et al. [50]
32. Thailand 1977 No information A B C D E To evaluate the attitudes of medical students towards abortion 318 medical students Questionnaires VARAKAMIN, S. et al. [46]
33. Ghana 2010 February 2007 A B C D E H To assess the capacity and willingness of midwifery tutors to teach abortion care 74 Midwifery tutors Structured questionnaire VOETAGBE, G. et al. [47]
34. South Africa 1995 No information A B C D E F G - 1st H To explore the understandings and responses of nurses towards abortion 35 Primary Health Care Nurses Observations and interviews WALKER, L. [58]
35. Kenya and Zambia 2006 Sept. – Dec. 2001 Kenya A Zambia A B C E F To investigate attitudes among Kenyan and Zambian nurse-midwives toward adolescent SRH problems, in order to improve services for adolescents. 322 Nurses from Kenya 385 Nurses from Zambia In total 707 Nurses Questionnaires WARENIUS, L. U., et al. [48]
36. South Africa 2012 2005 - 2007 A B C D E F G - 1st H To assess attitudes about abortion provision and future practice intentions of medical students 1308 medical students Self-administered questionnaire WHEELER, S.B. et al. [49]

A = To protect woman’s life D = Rape G = On request 1st - First trimester only.

B = Physical health E = Foetal defects H = Incest.

C = Mental health F = Socio-economic factors.

+ = Abortion permitted on additional enumerated grounds relating to such factors as the woman’s age or capacity to care for a child.

*Source: CENTER FOR REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS (2009) World Abortion Laws 2009 Fact Sheet.

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