(A-B) Morphology of pro
-KNAT345–1 plants in wild-type (A) and bp-9 knat2–5 knat6–1 mutant (B) backgrounds. 6 weeks-old plants are shown. (C-E) F1 plants expressing both pro
BLS:STM and pro
-KNAT345–1 constructs (D) show a stronger serration phenotype than either parental line (C, E). All plants shown are hemizygous for the transgene(s) and 2 weeks old. (F-G) Morphology of knat3 knat5 (F) and knat2–5 knat3 knat5 knat6–1 (G) plants grown for 5 weeks. (H) A representative bp knat345 rosette leaf with deeply lobed margins, as seen in knat345. (I-J) The bp inflorescence phenotype (I) is observed in bp knat345 infloresences (J), indicating additive effects of mutations in these genes. (H-J) Plants were grown for 2 months. (K-P) KNOX1 reporter expression in wild-type (K-M) and knat3 knat5 (N-P) plants. Shown are pro
BP:GUS expression in 17 days-old plants (K, N), pro
KNAT2:GUS expression in 20 days-old plants (L, O), and pro
STM:GUS expression in 21 days-old plants (M, P). No ectopic expression of pro
BP:GUS was detected during stages of leaf development when lobes are forming in knat3 knat5 plants (K, N), but ectopic expression was observed at leaf serration tips after their development. pro
KNAT2:GUS and pro
STM:GUS expression patterns in knat3 knat5 plants are similar to those in wild-type plants (L-M, O-P). Occasionally, longer incubation detected pro
STM:GUS activity in the sinus of wild-type and mutant leaves (M). pro
KNAT2:GUS and pro
STM:GUS were analyzed in the mixed genetic background (refer to S1 Table for details), and other plants are in the Col background. Scale bars in I, J, 3 mm, K, L, N, 100 μm and in M, O, P, 200 μm.