Figure 6. Characterization of hiMels induced from purified human fetal fibroblasts.
Human fetal PDGFRA+/c-Kit− fibroblasts were reprogrammed using SMGFPP3. a. Flow cytometric analysis of the percentage of PDGFRA+ and c-Kit+ cells in primary human fetal fibroblasts. Representative data are from three independent experiments. b. Sphere formation capacity of PDGFRA+/c-Kit− fibroblasts from primary fetal fibroblasts. P0 fibroblasts were MACS microbeads purified using an antibody against PDGFRA (positive selection) and c-Kit (negative selection). PDGFRA+/c-Kit− fibroblasts were experimented in the sphere formation assays. P0 indicates Passage 0, P1 indicates Passage 1 and P2 indicates Passage 2. Representative data are from three independent experiments. c. qRT-PCR analysis of melanocytic markers in hMels, hiMels derived from human fetal PDGFRA+/c-Kit− fibroblasts (hiMels) and human fetal PDGFRA+/c-Kit− fibroblasts (hFs). Data shown here are mean ± SD of gene expression from three independent experiments. d-h. Immunostaining analysis of melanocytic markers in hiMels including TYR (d), DCT (e), TYRP1 (f), SILV (g) and Melan-A (h). Scale bar, 30 μm.