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. 2015 Feb 21;37(2):18. doi: 10.1007/s11357-015-9755-3

Table 2.

Multiple linear regression models showing the association between Timed Up & Go delta time (dependent variable) and serum 25OHD concentrations (independent variable) adjusted for clinical characteristics (n = 359)

Full adjusted model Backward model
ß 95 % CI P value ß 95 % CI P value
Serum 25OHD concentration 0.408 [−0.707; −0.108] 0.008 0.415 [−0.710; −0.121] 0.006
Age −0.177 [−0.869; 0.514] 0.604
Female 0.128 [−10.042; 10.297] 0.980
Number of drugs daily taken −0.305 [−1.646; 1.036] 0.655
Use of psychoactive drugsa 0.542 [−8.926; 10.010] 0.910
Body mass index (kg/m2) 0.757 [0.052; 1.461] 0.035 0.795 [0.127; 1.463] 0.020
Visual acuityf (/10) 0.730 [−0.608; 2.069] 0.284
Lower limb proprioceptione (/8) 2.407 [−4.677; −0.136] 0.038
Handgrip strengthd (N/m2) −0.225 [−0.680; 0.230] 0.331
Depression symptomsb 0.543 [−6.655; 7.741] 0.882
Cognitive impairmentc 9.512 [3.083; 15.942] 0.004 9.755 [3.592;15.918] 0.002

Calculated from the following formula: "[ (Performed Timed "Up & Go" − Imagined Timed "Up & Go") / ((Performed Timed "Up & Go" + Imagined Timed "Up & Go") / 2)] × 100. Coefficient of regression ß and significant P value (i.e., P < 0.05) indicated in italics

β Coefficient of regression beta corresponding to an increase or a decrease of delta time, CI confident interval, 25OHD 25-hydroxyvitamin D

aUse of benzodiazepines or antidepressants or neuroleptics

bFour-item Geriatric Depression Scale score >1

cParticipants with impaired Clock drawing test

dMean value of maximal isometric voluntary contraction strength measured with computerized dynamometers expressed in Newton per square meter

eMean value from left and right sides, based on graduated tuning fork placed on the lower limb

fBinocular visual acuity at a distance of 5 m with a Snellen letter test chart