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. 2015 Feb 20;197(6):1083–1094. doi: 10.1128/JB.02496-14


Bacterial strains and plasmids used in this study

Strain or plasmid Relevant characteristic(s)a Source or reference
    S. mutans UA159 Wild-type reference strain Laboratory stock
    E. coli DH10B Host strain for cloning and plasmid production Laboratory stock
    E. coli LMG194 Host strain for pBAD expression Invitrogen
    E. coli XL10-Gold Host strain for site-directed mutagenesis Agilent Technologies
    ΔlexA mutant In-frame SMU.2027 deletion mutant derived from S. mutans UA159; Spr This study
    UA159(pIB184) UA159 harboring pIB184; Emr This study
    ΔlexA::lexA A115D mutant ΔlexA mutant harboring pVL6 chromosomally integrated; Spr Kmr This study
    ΔlexA(pVL2) mutant ΔlexA mutant harboring pVL2; Spr Emr This study
    ΔlexA(pVL3) mutant ΔlexA mutant harboring pVL3; Spr Emr This study
    LMG194(pVL4) LMG194 containing pVL4; Kmr This study
    LMG194(pVL5) LMG194 containing pVL5; Kmr This study
    ΔumuC mutant In-frame SMU.403 deletion mutant derived from S. mutans UA159; Emr This study
    ΔclpP mutant In-frame SMU.1672 deletion mutant derived from S. mutans UA159; Emr This study
    ΔcomE mutant In-frame SMU.1917 deletion mutant derived from S. mutans UA159; Emr 25
    ΔcipB mutant In-frame SMU.1914 deletion mutant derived from S. mutans UA159; Emr 25
    ΔcomS mutant In-frame comS deletion mutant derived from S. mutans UA159; Emr This study
    ΔcomR mutant In-frame SMU.61 deletion mutant derived from S. mutans UA159; Emr D. Morrison, UICb
    ΔsigX mutant In-frame SMU.1997 deletion mutant derived from S. mutans UA159; Emr 25
    ΔscrA mutant In-frame SMU.1841 deletion mutant derived from S. mutans UA159; Emr This study
    Δcsn2 mutant In-frame SMU.1402 deletion mutant derived from S. mutans UA159; Emr This study
    Δ63 mutant In-frame SMU.63 deletion mutant derived from S. mutans UA159; Emr This study
    Δ984 mutant In-frame SMU.984 deletion mutant derived from S. mutans UA159; Spr This study
    pBAD202/D-TOPO Expression vector linearized and topoisomerase activated; Kmr Invitrogen
    pIB184 Shuttle plasmid containing the constitutive P23 lactococcal promoter; Emr 35
    pIB107 Plasmid for chromosomal integration into S. mutans; Kmr 35
    pVL2 lexA cloned into pIB184 under the control of its own promoter; Emr This study
    pVL3 lexA A115D mutation into pVL2; Emr This study
    pVL4 lexA cloned under the control of the araBAD promoter into pBAD202/D-TOPO vector; Kmr This study
    pVL5 lexA A115D mutation cloned under the control of the araBAD promoter into pBAD202/D-TOPO vector; Kmr This study
    pVL6 lexA A115D mutation cloned under the control of its own promoter into pIB107; Kmr This study

Emr, erythromycin resistance; Kmr, kanamycin resistance; Spr, spectinomycin resistance.


UIC, University of Illinois at Chicago.