Figure 3.
Cooperativity of both anterior and posterior components is required for polarity establishment. (A–D) Best values for the unmeasured mutual inhibition parameters {(A) kAP, (B) α, (C) kPA, (D) β} was identified in each embryo by an optimization procedure. Values detected as outliers (see the Supporting Material) are depicted using crosses and removed from the calculation of the mean as well as from the parameter distribution (Fig. S8). Values are color-coded with respect to their recording condition and overlaid with the corresponding average and standard deviation. Shown are the linear regression (dark gray line) with the corresponding 95% confidence interval (light gray area), the correlation coefficient R2 that reports the fraction of variance explained by the linear regression, the slope of the correlation m and the p-value (Student’s two-tailed t-test for the coefficient m). To see this figure in color, go online.