Table 1.
Transgenic reporter mouse lines
Transgenic reporter mouse line | Description | Specificity | Research use |
C57Bl/6 J Cx 3 cr1 gfp/+ | Knock-in mouse line where one copy of the Cx 3 Cr1 gene is replaced by the GFP reporter gene [12]. | Cx3Cr1 (GFPhi) is expressed in monocytes, subsets of natural killer and T cells, DCs, and microglia. | Extensively used to study monocytes during normal and diseased state in gut [72,73], kidney [74,75], brain [76,77], and the retina of the eye [8,78]. |
C57Bl/6 N CD11c-eYFP | Reporter mouse line that expresses eYFP under the CD11c (Itgax) promoter [25]. | CD11c is a cell surface molecule expressed on myeloid cells, lymphocytes, natural killer cells and DCs [79]. In C57Bl/6 N CD11c-eYFP mice, DCs are characterized by CD11c-eYFPhi while B and T cells are CD11c-eYFPlo [25]. | Extensively used to study distribution of DCs in numerous organs including the brain [31,32,80], lung [34], skin [35], gut [36], and the cornea of the eye [33]. |
C57Bl/6 J LysM-eGFP | Reporter mouse line that expresses eGFP under the LysM promoter [26]. | LysM is expressed in neutrophil granulocytes (LysM-eGFPhi) and macrophages (LysM-eGFPlo) [26,37]. | Widely used to study neutrophil extravasation during infection [81,82] and inflammation [37,83]. |
DC, dendritic cell; GFP, green fluorescent protein; eGFP, enhanced green fluorescent protein; eYFP, enhanced yellow fluorescent protein; LysM, Lysozyme M.