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. 2015 Feb 18;15:13. doi: 10.1186/s12905-015-0170-9

Table 1.

Patients characteristics, diagnostic methods and treatment performed

Patients Age at Diagnosis Personal History Time between Surgery and Diagnosis Symptoms Image Diagnosis/FNA Location Involving Neighboring Structures Node Size Other Location Endometriosis
1 29 Laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy for endometriosis (1999). Ewing sarcoma in right psoas (2000) treated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Wedge resection of right ovary for endometriotic cyst (Same time surgical psoas) 10 Dark skin lesion that festers in umbilical region in previous scar area of 2x1cm. Dysmenorrhea. MR/No Infraumbilical No involvement. Fascia was resected for cancer. 2 cm Yes. Ovary.
2 38 Without positive findings 3 Painful node in episiotomy. The pain is accompanied by inflammation and always coincides with menstruation. Pain increases as time passes. Ultrasound/No Deeply in episiotomy scar. It extends into the ischiorectal fossa. No 3 cm No
G1V1 Forceps
3 32 Without positive findings 2 Episiotomy painful node which size increases with menstruation. No/Yes: endometriosis Episiotomy. No 1.5 cm No
G1 V1
4 28 Endometriosis diagnosed in 2007. 4 Intense dysmenorrhea. Abdominal wall nodule in right rectus. Ultrasound/Yes: endometriosis Right rectus of the abdomen muscle. Yes. Nodule in right hemiabdomen. 1 cm Yes. Ovary.
G1 C1: active genital Herpes virus lesions.
5 36 Without positive findings 3 Painful node. Ultrasound/No Right angle cesarean scar. No 1.5 cm No
G2 A1 C1: No progress in labor
6 32 Without positive findings 3 Painful tumor of 4–5 cm in the upper left corner of cesarean scar. No/Yes: endometriosis Left angle of cesarean scar No 5 cm No
G2 C1 V1 (2008): suspected fetal distress
7 23 Without positive findings 2 Tender lump in cesarean section (right paramedian region) that increases in size with menstruation. Ultrasound/No Rigth angle of cesarean scar Fascia and muscle involvement. 1 cm No
G1 C1: breech presentation.
8 39 Resection of endometriotic node in cesarean section in 2005. Recurrence in 2010. 2 Tender lump in the upper left corner of cesarean section, which increased in size. Ultrasound/Yes: no titratable. Left angle of cesarean scar. Fascia involvement. 1.5 cm No
G1 C1: breech presentation
9 35 Without positive findings 5 Nodule in left corner of cesarean scar which hurts and comes bigger with menstruation Ultrasound/Yes: endometriosis Left angle of cesarean scar. No 3 cm No
G1C1 cephalic-breech twin
10 45 Without positive findings 15 Umbilical tumor that increases with Valsalva maneuvers. No/No Umbilicus. Medium laparatomy scar. Hernia sac 2 cm No
G2 A1 C1 breech
11 37 Hemithyroidectomy for multinodular goiter. Hypothyroidism. Appendectomy 5 Dysmenorrhea. Hypermenorrhoea. No/No Abdominal oblique muscle. Yes 2 cm No
G4 A2 V1 C1:suspected fetal distress
12 33 Tuberculosis in 1994. Anxious depressive syndrome. Migraines. 1 Tumor that appeared after an effort in hypogastrium, which is propelled by coughing and reduced manually. About infraumbilical laparotomy scar. Approx 4 cm No/No Down the umbilicus in infraumbilical laparotomy scar. Hernia sac 3 cm No
G2 C2: breech presentation and uterine septum/anterior cesarean section and transverse situation in 2001.
13 27 Without positive findings 1.5 Tumor that increases in size in left iliac fosse after cesarean section. CT/Yes. Carcinoma. Intraoperative biopsy: endometriosis. Definitive result: endometriosis. Left iliac fosse, related to cesarean section scar. Resection is performed removing surrounding tissue until peritoneum. 3 cm No
G1C1: breech presentation
14 29 Without positive findings 5 Nodule in right angle cesarean scar that hurts and comes bigger with menstruation No/Yes: endometriosis Right angle of cesarean scar. No 3 cm No
G1 C1: No progress in labor
15 30 Appendectomy 4 Tender lump in the upper left corner of cesarean scar No/Yes: endometriosis Left angle of cesarean scar. No 2 cm No
G1 C1: transverse situation.
16 36 Without positive findings 5 Bluish nodule in left corner of cesarean scar No/Yes: endometriosis Left angle of cesarean scar. No 1 cm No
G2 V1 C1: No progress in labor
17 26 Without positive findings 3 Node in left iliac fosse that increases in size with menstruation. No/No Left iliac fosse, related to cesarean section scar. No 4 cm No
G2 A1 C1: breech presentation