Average nucleotide identity (ANI) comparison shows seven unique isolates from the ANG. Six of the isolates cultured from the ANG are highly similar, sharing >98% ANI (ANG-DT, ANG-M6, ANG-S, ANG-S3, ANG-S5, and ANG1). These isolates dominate the culturable isolates of the ANG and have been consistently isolated from five different animals. These isolates appear to be a novel species while isolate ANG-M7 may be a second novel Leisingera taxon. Isolates ANG-Vp and ANG-M1 share 90% ANI but each appear to represent a novel taxon. The other isolates (ANG-R, ANG-S4, and ANG-S1) are unique from other sequenced roseobacters. Isolates are color-coded to indicate genus. Blue, Ruegeria; Light blue, Tateyamaria; Teal and green, Leisingera.