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. 2014 Dec 31;3:e03751. doi: 10.7554/eLife.03751

Author response image 1.

Author response image 1.

A) and B) MDA‐MB‐361 cells were stably transduced with wild type or MK‐2206‐resistant AKT1 (AKT1‐W80A) or AKT2 (AKT2‐W80A) and assessed for MK2206 response as shown. Note that overexpression of wild type AKT alleles does not change the response to MK2206. C) EBC1 cells were stably transduced with wild type or kinase‐dead AKT2 (AKT2‐K181M) and assessed for MK2206 response as in A. Note that mutant, but not wild type AKT overexpression, confers resistance to MK2206.