Figure 4.
Clearance (CL) and area under the concentration–time curve (AUC) at creatinine clearance (CRCL) <30 mL/min predicted using two models.
Notes: (A) In order to gain insights into the systemic exposure to pegaptanib in patients with severe renal insufficiency or renal failure, two models (a linear model and a simplified non-linear power model) were used to predict CL and AUC at CRCL <30 mL/min. Note that the 90% CIs for both models overlap over virtually the entire range of CRCL. (B) Closer examination of the CL and AUC at CRCL <30 mL/min. The non-linear power model predicts a rapid decline in pegaptanib CL and divergence from the linear model prediction at CRCL <15 mL/min. In contrast, the linear model predicts residual pegaptanib clearance would occur at CRCL <15 mL/min, consistent with the presence of secondary, non-renal elimination pathways for pegaptanib.
Abbreviations: AUC0–inf, area under the concentration–time curve from time 0 to infinity; CI, confidence interval; h, hour; inf, infinity; IPRED, individual prediction; min, minute; PRED, prediction.