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. 2013 Jul 3;1(1):3. doi: 10.1186/2051-3933-1-3

Table 1.

Available environmental datasets for the trajectory annotation service

Datasets Data Description Data Source Projection system/Grid Temporal Coverage Geographic coverage (Latitude/Longitude) Temporal resolution Spatial resolution Data Format
Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) [37] Tropical precipitation NASA Regular lat/lon grid 1998– present 50°N–50°S 180°E–180°W 3-hour 0.25° Unformatted binary
AVHRR land NDVI [38] Normalized difference vegetation index from the AVHRR (low resolution) sensor USGS (USA only) NASA (global) Albert’s Equal Area grids 1989–present, 1982–present CONUS, 90°N–90°S 180°E–180°W 1-week, 2-week 1 km (USA), 8 km (global) Unformatted binary
NCEP Global Reanalysis 2 [39] Global weather reanalysis NOAA Regular (non-Gaussian) grid 1948–present 90°N–90°S 180°E–180°W 6-hour 2.5° (208 km) NetCDF
North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) [40] Regional (North America only) weather reanalysis NOAA Lambert Conformal, Conic Grids 1979–present 90°N–1°N 0°–170W° 3-hour 32 km (at 40°N) GRIB
ECMWF Reanalysis [41] Global weather reanalysis ECMWF Regular grid 1979–present 89.463°N–89.463°S 180°E–180°W 6-hour 0.7° GRIB
MODIS Land Earth-surface, reflectivity and vegetation variables NASA Geographic/ Sinusoidal grid 2002–2012 90°N–90°S 180°E–180°W Daily, 8-day, 16-day, monthly 5.6 km (0.05°) HDF- EOS
MODIS Ocean Ocean surface, color, and productivity variables NASA Cylindrical Equidistant 4 km, 9 km HDF- EOS
MODIS Snow Snow and ice variables NASA Cylindrical Equidistant 1 Km, 4 Km HDF- EOS
Ocean productivity [42] Ocean net primary productivity (NPP) reanalysis Equidistant Cylindrical projection, lat/lon grid 1997–2009 90°N–90°S 180°E–180°W 8-day, monthly Grid sizes 1080x2160 (1/6 degree) 2160x4320 (1/12 degree) HDF
ASTER GDEM Very high-resolution topography USGS Regular grid, (WGS84 ellipsoid) 83°N–83°S 180°E–180°W 1 arc-second GeoTIFF
SRTM [43] High resolution topography NASA Regular grid, (WGS84 ellipsoid) 60°N–60°S 180°E–180°W 3 arc-second HGT
GlobCover Land cover and land-use type ESA Plate-Carrée projection (WGS84 ellipsoid) 2009 90°N–65°S 180°E–180°W 20 arc-seconds HDF
Socioeconomic data (Population Density Grid) Human geography Regular grid (WGS84 ellipsoid) 1990–2010 85°N–58°S 180°E–180°W 5 years 30 arc-second (1km) ASCII
Ocean Surface Current Reanalysis (OSCAR) Ocean surface currents NASA Regular grid 1993–present 60°N–60°S 180°E–180°W 5-day, monthly 1 degree, 1/3 degree NetCDF
ETOPO1 Ice surface and bedrock NASA Regular grid (WGS84 ellipsoid) 1940–2008 90°N–90°S 180°E–180°W 1 arc-minute NetCDF
Distance to the Nearest Coast Distance to the nearest coast NASA Regular grid 90°N–90°S 180°E–180°W 0.04° 0.01° Text file, GeoTiff
Derived wind variables for flight Tail-wind support and cross wind [36]; Thermal and orographic uplift [5] Calculated derived variables, based on ECMWF or NCEP data Regular grid 1979–present 89.463°N–89.463°S 180°E–180°W 6-hour 0.7° ASCII
Derived topographic variables Slope and aspect [25]; Rugosity [44] Calculated derived variables, based on ASTERGDEM Regular grid 83°N–83°S 180°E–180°W 1 arc-second ASCII