Table 4.
Mean values±SD of all measured variables for temperature "level III" and for all flows
Values are presented as mean±SD.
WATER T°w/flow, water termperature with flow; GFhdi, gas flow at the humidifier device infow; GFhdo, gas flow at humidifier device outflow; GFpp, gas flow proximal to patient; RGHhdo, relative gas humidity at humidifier device outflow; GT°hdo, gas temperature at humidifier device outflow; WATERVPhdo, water vapor pressure at humidifier device outflow; AGHhdo, absolute gas humidity at humidifier device outflow; RGHpp, relative gas humidity proximal to patient; GT°pp, gas temperature proximal to patient; WATERVPpp, water vapor pressure proximal to patient; AGHpp, absolute gas humidity proximal to patient; CONDpp, condensation proximal to patient.
*P<0.05, statistically significant differences between groups.