The characteristics of firing rate suppression by Trp. (A) Average time course of the effect of 30 µM Trp and subsequent addition of AADC inhibitor 1 µM NSD-1015 on DRN serotonergic neuron firing showing that suppression of firing by Trp depends on its conversion to 5-HT. Symbols represent the mean ± SEM of the normalized, binned firing rate. (B) The correlation between Trp effect (30 µM; 12–15 min) on serotonergic neuron firing rate expressed as absolute difference (top) or percent difference (bottom) and the baseline firing rate. Symbols represent single experiments (n = 77). Lines are best fits with corresponding 95% confidence intervals. r2 and p-values refer to the linear least-square fit. (C) Histogram of the decrease in firing rate produced by 30 µM Trp in dorsal raphe subnuclei (mean, SD; n = 46, 21, and 3). DRD, dorsal; DRV, ventral; DRI, interfascicular subnucleus. (D) Histogram of the decrease in firing rate produced by 30 µM Trp compared with the neuron location along the rostrocaudal axis (mean, SD; n = 13, 19, 22, 18, and 5). Plate numbers correspond to those of the rat brain atlas (Paxinos and Watson, 1998).